Member's participation | Banca Etica

Member's Participation

The owners of Banca Etica are thousands of Italian and Spanish members who preserve its freedom from politics and the big economic and financial groups, supporting its development.

Individual members and member organizations are encouraged to support the operating structure and actively share in the life of the Bank through the Territorial Organization of Members, an association tool unique to the banking sector, and organized in Local Districts. Each constituency elects its Territorial Initiative Group (GIT).

GITs compare and share choices and decisions in the larger Coordination areas. Banca Etica is, in fact, organized in five local areas: the Northeast, the Northwest, Central and Southern Italy and the Spanish Area.

Today, there are approximately ninety members' groups between Italy and Spain, and they represent a place for listening and exploiting the ideas and skills of members.

In 2013, the Coordination of the Member Organizations was created, bringing together the main organization members of Banca Etica in a working group, with the task of stimulating Bank activity Bank towards a civil and sustainable economy.

The GIT is composed of volunteer members who promote ethical finance locally and ensure connection between the territories and the general bank policies through:

  • participating in the governance choices;
  • connecting the Bank’s activities to local needs;
  • building relationships, synergies and solidarity with local movements and the social economy;
  • supporting economic analysis with social evaluation of organizations applying for credit;
  • facilitating the most suitable mutual returns for each territory.